


Rekindle the Love for Your Business This Valentine’s Day

By Steve Strauss

As an entrepreneur, you have likely poured your heart and soul into your small business.

However, over time, it is natural for that excitement to wane. The demands of running a business can be overwhelming, and it is easy to become bogged down in the day-to-day tasks, losing sight of what brought you and your business together in the first place. So, if you feel like you have fallen a bit out of love with your small business, don’t despair. With a little effort, you can find that passion again and reignite your love for your business.

By Steve Strauss
USA Today Small Business Columnist and Author

As an entrepreneur, you have likely poured your heart and soul into your small business.

However, over time, it is natural for that excitement to wane. The demands of running a business can be overwhelming, and it is easy to become bogged down in the day-to-day tasks, losing sight of what brought you and your business together in the first place. So, if you feel like you have fallen a bit out of love with your small business, don’t despair. With a little effort, you can find that passion again and reignite your love for your business.

Here then, are some tips for falling back in love with your small business—just in time for Valentine’s Day!

1. Remember that passion

Take some time to reflect on why you started your business in the first place. What was it that inspired you? What was that passion? Reminding yourself of the reasons you started the business can help you reconnect with it.

Try this: Write down your original motivations and goals and keep them in a place where you can refer to them regularly.

2. Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative

As an entrepreneur, chances are good you started your business because you excelled in a particular skill or loved delivering a specific service or product. Yet, over time, the day-to-day demands of running a business can consume your time and energy, causing you to lose sight of the things you do best.

So, refocus on your strengths. Take stock of the tasks and responsibilities you enjoy the most and work to spend more time on those. If that means delegating some tasks to others, then do it.

This will help you feel more confident and in control and remind you why you started your business in the first place. Also, it’s more likely your business will prosper when you focus on what you love and do best.

3. Shower the people you love with love

Another way to reignite your passion for your business is by reconnecting with your crew—your customers, employees, contractors, and vendors. Having more meaningful interactions with the people you work with daily can make work more enjoyable. And building strong relationships with your team can be incredibly fulfilling and help you appreciate your business more.

4. Give yourself a break, literally

If you are going to be your own boss, then be a good one. That means you may need to give yourself some time off. Indeed, sometimes the best way to fall back in love with your business is to take a step away from it for a bit.

Take a vacation, spend time with family and friends, or take up a new hobby. Doing something completely different can give you a fresh perspective and help you return to your business with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

5. Remember the good times

It is important to celebrate your successes. Acknowledge and celebrate your milestones and wins, no matter how small. Taking the time to appreciate the positive things in your business can help you see it in a new light.

6. Invest in your future

You started your business because you had a vision and a belief in the future. Don’t lose sight of that. By reinvesting in your business, you reinforce that original belief.

Think about it: If you keep doing the same old thing, using outdated technology, for example, you can expect to feel burnt out. But if you adopt some new systems and technologies, you keep your business fresh and learn something new. That helps keep the spark alive.

Look especially at your use and adoption of mobile apps. Upgrading your mobile technology can improve your efficiency and enhance the customer experience, which in turn can help you enjoy your business more. For instance, check out the Index app by Pinger. Index is a business texting tool that helps create a better customer experience by simplifying communications throughout the customer journey—including initial customer inquiries to appointment confirmations and reviews. Plus, the auto-reply feature lets you respond immediately to missed calls. All of this helps make your job a little easier and keeps customers smiling.

Bottom line: Even the most passionate entrepreneurs can fall out of love with their small businesses. However, with a little effort and focus, you can reignite that fire and fall in love with your business again. So, take some time to show your business some love and see if your passion for it doesn’t grow a little stronger every day.

Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your small business!

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